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The Cost of Ignorance: ¿Earth?

With all its lights and shades, Earth social organization seen at global scale seems like a serpent fatally eating its own tale. These days, it is clearly showed. As it is structured, Earth people social organization has a thin upper layer that gets everything, education, well being, money. All other many layers get barely basic or none education and short means to survive. As it happened until now, those living within the upper layer would hold all strings - economy, finances, technology, communications, weapons - pulled in a way that would feed and hold them. All others were mostly ignored as they lived and died unnoticed. But then, as it always happens to surprise all, a moment comes when the frontier between layers gets broken. In the past it happened through bursts called revolutions as present France, China, Rusia, Cuba and many others in history know. This time, however, it happened differently.

An improbable, unexpected layer holding a fatal cocktail of lack of understanding and money managed to cross the line to get hold of power but, for the first time in history, it happen to happen at Earth most critical turning point. As the planet runs speedily towards new climate conditions that will certainly change Earth people social organization, a layer that does not understand or does not care, got hold of important posts of power in different parts of the World. With all Humanity in awe, the unthinkable surfaced in many surprising ways, some delivering its world influence into the hands of their enemies, others pushing hard to become isolated and needy, nuclear weapons coming back to the vocabulary when the planet needs saving, millions of people drifting in search of a home and a life.

Behind all that there is a simple equation: keeping people of other layers ignorant is a dangerous bet that can transform itself into a fatal boomerang for, as it can be clearly seen these days, lack of understanding can actually reach power. In the past, people were kept ignorant as they "need not" know the handling of power variables, but with THE ONE variable at stake - the planet - people´s ignorance may very well be Earth´s doom. It can never be told too many times: counting on healthy, educated populations is THE asset for Humanity to go through the present situation. It is, in fact, heart breaking to see children and youth marching in the streets to save a planet they will have to handle soon enough. Education to all is at the roots of building a rational World where all living creatures have the right to live well. As simple as that. Again, the clock is ticking, knowledge and understanding must come to stage now./ Silvia Davila MM, EarthPipol, March 5, 2019.

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