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By Silvia Davila MM
Bogotá / Copyright
August 3, 2018
Ilustración: Google Images


Edge 2.jpeg

Medieval people, if told, would have never believed Renaissance. Renaissance people could never really think the Enlightenment was possible. The sight of the Enlightenment people could not reach the era of technology. Every time, set at the edge of a dawn, was inhabited by doubt, disbelieve and resistance. Nevertheless, all of them did happen. That is a fact. Humanity today, at the edge of a dawn, moves among tides that advance and retreat, give way or confront, move slow or swift, but moves firmly in the only direction life can, actually, move: forwards. Regardless of political positions, left or right, philosophies or ways of life, change has a force of its own, and once it is set it is launched forwards. There is no other way. It is also true that - leaving mother nature aside - change on Earth has always been accomplished by one single actor: People, by human nature. It was those men and women locked in their studios, houses, rooms, rich or poor, with a simple tool, a brush, a pen, a couple of cables or their simple keen eye and sharp intellect, who gave birth to discoveries, inventions, and innovations that moved Humanity from one stage to another. Single and common efforts. Those groups of people or communities that pulled together to discover, to build, to create or to defend their rights did move Humanity a step forward. There is never a turning back. History is filled with intents to hold back, to move backwards and, in the long run, all of them did fail. Otherwise, Humanity would still be living in caves. That is also a fact. A third fact is that there has always been extraordinary individuals carrying a clear foresight, a bright mind, and exceptional character and courage who stood for their believes, showed the way, cared for all their people, and pulled them through. True leaders.  In a wide view, it is that human will turned into individual or common effort - than front of minds focused in making possible the impossible - which actually conforms the force of change. People is its power. People have built and destroyed in this world, have written rules and erased them, have designed and failed their own design, even languages have changed and disappear because it is people who make them and unmake them. All than happened because people can choose. There is always a choice and at the edge of a dawn, choices might be scary, the reason why only the brave succeed. 


That said, and despite Earth´s main stream of information that inexplicably focus in dysfunctional rather than functions, it is uplifting and inspiring to see the huge amount of efforts taking place on Earth today by people. The moment the one variable common to the entire Humanity hit the stage - the planet - individual and common human will got unleashed following the logical steps to prevent disaster: to lower carbon emissions, to build healthy-educated communities able to understand, and to share this one single blue globe for the sake of it and of all. From big scales to individual or group efforts, the power of people is in the move, determined and peaceful, towards a saving aim. At a big scale, there it is the European Union re-writing itself for their peoples, their health, education jobs, rights, communications, their youth, their children. Or Asia, building a silk road of common, peaceful good for all in the region. Or Africa, always striving to survive, building a Tree-Road from east to west of the continent, a saving lung for the planet. The Scandinavians always ahead in a realm where all people´s issues are cared for, and initiatives for the planet are successfully accomplished. In the Americas, individual and group efforts surprise with their creativity and determination. At a smaller scale, there they are people joining forces to clean the oceans, or to invent home solutions for waste, or using social networks to promote understanding, or a simple concert of catholics, muslims and jews singing together in the Middle East. All of them simple people all around Earth, individuals who have understood the challenge, turn their lives and stepped in to join others. That is the power of People on the move, the one that does actually produce change, the one that cannot be detain in time by the dark side of the human spirit, selfishness, ignorance, violence, greed or simple lack of understanding. That is the beauty of the power of People, the everlasting devise for change, present and invisible at the same time, it is them - People - and the leaders they choose, who will drag Humanity gently, peacefully and successfully to a new stage that, despite those announcing dark times, will lead, should the path stand strong, to a golden age. It is People´s power and People´s choice. People must now choose how they are going to use that power./ Silvia Davila MM, Earth Pipol, August 3, 2018.




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