Earth view, at this time, is something midway between a comedy and a tragedy but, also, a most interesting view. When people everywhere had understood the pressing need to protect the planet - which can only be done by building more fair, fit, educated, aware communities - a series of the unthinkable began happening as if Humanity had lost its collective mind. As if a bizarre world had unfolded. Some of the most remarkable events of the kind are the picture of the Russians sitting in the Oval Office, the Nobel prize given to Colombian politics leaving aside the individual, or the British paying a fortune to get themselves isolated. In the panoramic view, as the first Democracy on Earth cracks, its opposite, of course, flourishes elsewhere. The powerful rule of one man sets in making history bite its tale. All of that, the product and byproduct of change and of reaction to it.
But what makes interesting the view is that it is pulling to the surface a reality that Humanity lived but did not see. A dichotomy between the image they have of themselves, the ideologies they sell, and a reality hiding in every corner of the globe. The Americans are seeing these days what was shadowed behind the phrase leaders of the free world. What they are seeing now is not what they all are or what they want to be but it, certainly, is a very real part of what the nation is. The Russians went through a tough revolution in order to pull down an autocratic regime that had people starving only to sanction today, barely one hundred years later, an autocratic regime that has people under its boot. The Chinese left their cocoon, wisely understood the demands of the times in terms of sustainability, education and connectivity, but went back to the everlasting rule of one which implies so many unwanted risks por people even when the ruler is good. The European Union that also wisely understood what is expected of leadership in trying times, has to look under their bed every night in search of underground, silent moves planned to break them. The Middle East dances between shadows of a prosperous past amid permanent wars they would like to hold to, and a near, sensible, peaceful future they already know they must move towards to. Africa moves slowly amongst the absurd. Latin America that during the past decade had seen a pale reborn of trust in their neighbour of the north, is given now reasons to stand strong their distrust and turn their face to the East, a move that has goods as well as shades. Sixty million people taken out of poverty as the Chinese did (the entire population of Guatemala, Ecuador, Haiti, Bolivia, Honduras and Belice combined), is a fact that cannot be overviewed although the Media actually did. How the Chinese did it should be of interest of every nation on Earth. But then, should Latin America emulate their way of ruling, the continent would get stuck for life with various versions of Maduro. The support the East gives to Latin American dictatorships that have openly showed the hurt they do to their own people through ignorance, corruption and repression, sets a question mark on their own heads regardless of their good domestic deeds.
But the real bizarre view, however, is that all of the above is happening while the planet is facing two more grades of heat. Already said once, repeated here: the planet itself can take them but Human social organization will not. The impact of increasing heat will be huge in terms of the economy, industry, food supply, settlements, migrations and lives. What makes the view a comic tragedy is Humanity playing the game of thrones on a floor that is cracking under their feet. Humanity will do well to remember that it is, literally, a Human RACE, a run against time, which can only be pull through by a people´s call. People choosing the path and those who would lead it./ Silvia Davila MM, EarthPipol, March 21, 2018