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Human Rights: Where do they belong?

It is strange on Earth how simple things, principles, may get distorted in time and in complex society. From ancient documents to the French revolution, passing through the United Nations universal call, the European Union agreement or every constitution in democratic nations, Human Rights are the same, everywhere and for all: the right to live, to love, to work, to communicate, to gather, to have access to information and education, the right not to be slaved, discriminated or abandoned. Those are not only simple lines but also the flesh and bone, the heart and mind, the skin and soul, the essence of every Human being existence. That is why those lines stating what human right are, can be found, just the same, in every human rights document on Earth. But there is also and precisely where the distortion takes place.

Human rights are not something that organized societies grant to people. All the contrary. Human rights are the foundation on which societies get built, its reason. Peoples get organized in communities in order to translate into the group all that is needed for an individual to live and survive, in other words, his or her rights. So, societies are the derivation of Human Rights, not the other way round. Human rights do not belong to persons, institutions, governments, periods of time or places. Human rights simply ARE. And they are so simple, basic, elementary and logic for Human life that the general and universal human rights code of the United Nations should be the unique pillar and guide for their preservation in the entire planet.

In "modern", complex societies, however, human rights seem to be flexible and disposable for institutions and governments. Ironically, everyone of those lines that define human rights fail in almost every society on Earth at least for a part of its population: LIFE crawls through poverty, ignorance, inequality and war; LOVE is limited to personal relationships and not extended to the natural, open care for Human fellows; WORK lines up thirty before an economic structure that leaves many behind; the right to COMMUNICATE often faces brute fears; The right for INFORMATION grew as big in technology as poor in content, and EDUCATION is a difficult dream for majorities; the simple fact of GATHERING launches fierce policies; Slavery has taken varied and heartbreaking turns; torture is acknowledge as an understandable tool; and discrimination is hosted by some organizations on Earth. Disdain for HUMAN RIGHTS is at the very roots of Humanity malfunctions and headaches.

All of the above happens because PEOPLE let the flesh and bone of their existence to be optional in the hands of persons, institutions or governments. There is some simple reasoning. A person, institution or government that persecutes or tries to avoid human rights are moved by one of two simple options: either they plan to violet them, or they already did... On the contrary, those who acknowledge them, who feel the right of every person as his or her own, who respect them and value them always live in peaceful, free of conflict, thriving, prosperous endeavours. Look around, whenever Human rights are the compass societies thrive in a natural effective way. Human Rights are not optional and whenever human rights are concerned it is a people´s call. /Silvia Davila MM, EarthPipol, August 24, 2016

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