The thing is that, for a long time, English people sense of the world being right happened when they rule it. Posted in various parts of the globe, they spread their culture and science, their ways, their language and, on the way, became very rich. It was a peak in their history that they call and - here is the point - recall as the Empire, a moment in time, a sense of grandeur which built an island of pride that made them feel unique. Their stern and courageous stand during II World War made them heroes.
However, that high point in their history happened nearly a century ago, and though rationalism is one of their banners, the dichotomy between their collective sense of grandeur and the reality of the present world could lead them to deep trouble. The fading of the Empire took place step by step. First, it was the colonies. One by one, every place where they had set their union jack found the way to self ruling, at least, in terms of government. Control, nevertheless, was maintained in time, not through political action but by financial strings. After a wave of independence moved all over the world, all regions got tied up by money provided and recovered with charge. Those who could hold the strings were those who had money and the British had quite a lot. Therefore, their own wits, fame and resources gave them command keeping alive for a while their "Empire" sense of worth.
But then, the World changed... In the new millennium any form of colonialism is unthinkable, and financial headquarters are shifting for one single reason: regions understood that managing their own resources benefits themselves first. Countries are becoming regions for they understood the many advantages of joining forces with neighbors. The most outstanding example happened in their own surroundings. If every one is given a task up to their capabilities, the European Union is conducting one of the most difficult and admirable jobs on Earth because it is there where the wave of change hits the rocks. The Europe era, as it was in the past, is no more. But Europe, intelligent, is redesigning and rebuilding a new high peak for a continent filled, like not many others, with knowledge, science, communications, pragmatism before reality, and determinations to keep their influence in the World. And, despite their many problems, they are doing well.
Then, at that precise point, the British have Brexit, a move that embodies the dichotomy between reality and recall. Beyond the practical troubles the leave decision brings to them, there are two other difficulties underneath their present pressures that might not let them see the woods they are actually in. One has to do with the fact that those who hold responsibility for it are the same ones negotiating it. To, objectively, decide for a nation having the need to save their own face is not the ideal scenario, at all. The other difficulty is that Brexit itself was dragged by the Empire recall sense of worth still present in the mind of its people, a sense which, in fact, is inaccurate with present reality.
The risk of holding to the past against the present current of the world is huge and, as it has happened many times in history to others, their pride could very well become their doom. Should they not see on time the true global situation that has no reverse - wether they like it or not - British people would be bond to extended, deep nightmare. There is the present and clear fact that their islands sit on the first line of Global Warming risks.
But leaving the past behind is, in fact, the action of stepping ahead and there is one resource the British have that is, actually, unique: their people. The history of Humanity has everywhere and in every time a British someone doing something: studying a plant, building a town, standing behind the throne, on the throne, conquering here, commercing there, navigating, considering, evaluating, teaching, and yes, also doing a handful of horrors. Their present situation to be solved must include thoughtful recognition of deep harm done. The point is that British people are always on the move. Interviews with young people during Brexit perspired frustration produced by the sense of their feet being tied up. British people all along history have showed an outstanding, unique drive. People, as to any other nation, is Britain´s bigger treasure, therefore, logic cries to put them on the first line of priorities. The whole nation sunken these days in a decision attached to a fading reality, can blur at a drastic time the view of a successful path. The political and financial empire is gone, not because others say it but because it already happened. The World did change. So, Britain must wake up and wake up now. Later would be late. In these times of peace, place people in the front line as they were placed in war, they will respond twice as good and the islands will hold. People on the first line is not the recall but the call. After all, it is worldwide known than Britain´s got talent. / Silvia Davila MM, August 6, 2016