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The first and second World Wars crashed peoples to such extent that the birth of the United Nations was the obvious result. Peoples were determined not to let such a tragedy happen again.

As a child of war, the Organization´s structure devised a general assembly to gather all nations, and a security council conformed by the nations that held economic and war power, a council to be the key holder of peace. The rest of the Organization was set to handle the various, wide and profound troubles that war, inequality, unbalance and greed had created. It was 1945. Today, 2014, seventy years have passed and the World, its peoples and the planet itself changed along with those seven decades. Today, it is a different World. Colonialism left behind, free will of every nation took place, the need for rebuilding and production set the north, and the World took a leap in time to the wonders and troubles of today.

Among the many troubles that persist in the history of Humanity - hunger, poverty, illiteracy, inequality - surfaced one which global impact nobody can ignore: climate change. The one issue than concerns all nations - no exceptions - needs, therefore, the one Organization where all can meet. The United Nations has been up to the challenge leading awareness amongst its members and placing the issue at the top of its agenda. This year´s General Assembly shows a wide understanding of the impending danger and the need for action. Awareness is now present; the next step is "how"?

The fact is that the massive changes occurred during those seven decades do not reflect in the Organization´s structure and ways, creating a deep contradiction between the tool and the target. If the target is climate change, global warming happens to the planet, therefore, it impacts every living soul. It is also created by the hand of men at all levels - from the single individual to the great industries. To reverse the process, understanding, action and commitment of every nation on Earth is a must. Fractions within the structure of the organization that join all nations, therefore, harm full participation and willingness to act. Every nation has a jewel to contribute. Every culture has an expertise. Small nations often overviewed, happen to be "pilots" of successful management of troubles common to the rest of the world. As it is the planet what is at stake, full participation in equal conditions could no nothing but enrich the process and make feasible the objective.

Facts are always helpful, and it is also a fact that during these seven decades wars have taken place all over the World and besides the Security Council. Its primary function not accomplished, it would be wise for the Organization members to design a new vision for such a needed tool in a unique, definite time. The burst of technology and communications occurred since its creation should penetrate the organization not so much in its various devises - internet, TV, etc. - but realizing an intelligent new design that comprehends the efficiency, speed, simplicity of ways and forms, and global connections that the World is today. Youth are key in this process. Not only are they masters in world connections, use of technology, available information, and simple efficiency, but also they will be the masters of the planet and its troubles in a very short time. If they help to design the "toy", they will use it. The young generation stepping into the train of climate change action by participating in the design of the new UN structure will speed the process and assure a long lasting, successful result. Youth aware of the new vision will naturally apply it when their time comes to lead in all walks of life. Eduacion of children and youth on climate change is the golden key. Global peace will be the gift.

Designing a new vision for the United Nations, however, is not enough given the impending dread. The tool must match the needs of the target soon. Re-creating the UN has been present in speeches and resolutions never in action. Only the nations that make it can change it. Equality is a concept that can only be measured in the presence of all concerned, taking hold of all resources every nation has to offer - wisdom, experience, knowledge, technology, know how, resources and the always creative mind of all men and women - to face the one challenge that must not reach the point of no return. Words must become action now. So, that 2015 in Paris rises as a true starting point for Humanity at its best, united and able to handle successfully the worst that can happen to their World. /SDMM, Sept 27, 2014

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