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Humanity´s history has always privileged the stories of war over the product of their minds. Their heroes are all warriors, almost everywhere in the planet. Each war of every time has been recounted with detail and passed from generation to generation as part of their history teachings. War lovers have left a trail of words just as much of death and destruction. With the arrival of modern Media, warriors proliferated out of reality and in fiction. Warriors saturate the news, films, television and the web. The reasons for war seldom change in the history of Humanity, at least not those that reach the ears of the public. The reasons in modern times, however, what keeps wars happening, are those that exist behind curtains and seldom reach the Media or the public.


One of them is the thrive for power because, as a matter in fact, peace happens to be powerful: those who live and thrive in peace grow, learn, understand and, therefore, cease to be easy to control by others. Any region in war counts on different powers from all over holding different interests, fighting to set their influence in a, very often, undeveloped, poor region rich in resources. In modern times, of course, another reason is money. The world weapon industry, located mainly in the developed nations, move billions of billions. Some people in rich countries produce weapons and some other people in poor countries die under them. Chemical weapons in Syria, for instance. That country does not produce them, somebody put them in their hands and money keeps running. If all peoples of the World stopped eating bread all bakeries would go broke. That is the context of wars showing up periodically, a none-stop process here and there.

The system to make that happen repeats itself over and over again in the history of recent times: any kind of confrontation, disagreement or fear will do: land ambitions, religious believes, borders discussions, anything that fires human instinct and peoples ignorance. A bonfire is set. Once a bonfire is set, information does its part, the second step: the duo journalism-audiences taste for violence and conflict makes it a piece of cake. The bonfire becomes a World alarm and voices, indignant, rise to make the third step take stage: push superpowers to get involved. Once a superpower gets in, others come along bringing their weapons with them and the big business goes on. The Middle East has been in recent times a too tragic sustained market.

Although there do exist real confrontations in different parts of the globe, war lovers and needers, in many countries of the world, make sure that wars survive. When ever rises a situation where people understand the need for peace and search it, an old or new bonfire is set, the three steps take place, war comes to the first page, and innocent people die under a huge production of expensive weaponry. Whenever rulers show up who wisely see and understand the virtues and benefits of peace for his or her people, voices raise to call them weak. The push holds. The targeted region gets stuck, sink in destruction, left behind, the general public remains indolent and ignorant of the war context, the suffering continues, and somebody gets extremely rich.

To change that tragic picture, Humanity needs to develop three new steps. First: See the truth. Make peoples of the World, especially those under fire, understand the reasons behind the curtain that feed on their suffering. Second: Stop using doubtful arguments as merchandise and excuse to push rulers into wars that serve no peoples. Third: Transform the weapons industry drive into profitable actions, a new direction, that builds and protects the planet instead of harming it. Technology always can take many directions. Nobody wants to go broke, it is true, but everybody has the ability and the possibility to change course. Peoples who are at war and those who are being pushed to enter a war are to open their eyes, because they are paying it with their lives, their suffering, their future and the future of their children. Every individual on Earth can ask the question with a clear mind and a warm heart and, surely, a light will switch on to find, from the powerful understanding of every soul, the answer: Why War? / Silvia Davila MM, July 12, 2014


La historia de la Humanidad ha siempre privilegiado las historias de guerras por encima de los productos de la mente. Sus héroes son guerreros casi en todas partes del planeta. Cada guerra de cada época ha sido registrada en detalle y pasada de generación en generación como parte de las enseñanza histórica. Los amantes de la guerra han dejado una huella de palabras tan extensa como de destrucción y muerte. Con la llegada de los medios de comunicación modernos, los guerreros proliferaron en la realidad y en la ficción. Los guerreros saturan las noticias, las películas y la red. Las razones de las guerras, sin embargo, lo que las mantiene vivas, existen detrás de bambalinas y nunca llegan a los medios o al público.

Recursos. Toda región en Guerra está rodeada de diferentes intereses, todos luchando por establecer su influencia. Sucede a menudo en regiones subdesarrolladas ricas en recursos. En los tiempos modernos otra razón es el dinero. La industria armamentista ubicada especialmente en las naciones desarrolladas mueve billones de billones. Los países ricos producen armas y los países pobres mueren bajo ellas. El reciente caso de las armas químicas en Siria ilustra este hecho: ese país no produce armas químicas, alguien las puso en sus manos, y el dinero continúa rodando.

El contexto de las guerras que se mantienen con regularidad en diferentes partes del mundo, esconde un sistema claro para cualquier observador: atado a los instintos básicos y a la ignorancia de las gentes, cualquier desacuerdo es avivado – creencias religiosas, problemas fronterizos, o actos de terror aislados a menudo creados y orquestados por los amantes de la guerra - se prende una hoguera. Lo que sigue es la tendencia del dúo Medios-audiencias a seguir hechos violentos, la hoguera se convierte en una alarma mundial de voces indignadas que empujan el tercer paso: pedir, a veces demandar, a las superpotencias a que se involucren. Una vez lo hacen, otros países los siguen trayendo sus armas y el gigantesco negocio continúa. El Medio Oriente ha sido en tiempos recientes un trágico y sostenido mercado para este sistema. Los amantes de la guerra trabajan en mantenerla viva.

Cuando se dan situaciones en las que la gente entiende la necesidad de la paz y la busca, viejas o nuevas hogueras son encendidas, los tres pasos se activan, la guerra llega a primera plana y un inmenso número de vidas inocentes se pierden bajo la producción de costoso armamento. De igual manera, cuando se levantan líderes que sabios entienden las virtudes de la paz para sus pueblos, aparecen voces que los llaman débiles. Siguen empujando. La región en guerra se hunde en el atraso, la destrucción, es dejada atrás, el público se mantiene indolente e ignorante del verdadero contexto de la guerra, el sufrimiento se extiende y alguien se hace inmensamente rico.

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